Involved In A Car Accident? 4 Situations That Will Require An Accident Attorney


Car accidents are stressful enough without worrying about compensation for damages or care for your injuries. If you've been involved in a car accident, one of the first things you should do is hire an attorney. Without an attorney, problems can arise regarding the handling of your insurance claim. If you're dealing with any of the situations described below, you need to hire a car accident attorney right away.

You've Made a Detrimental Statement

You've been in a car accident, and you've made statements to law enforcement officials and insurance representatives. Unfortunately, if you've made those statements without legal representation, you may have said something that could jeopardize your claim against the responsible parties.

This is particularly true if you've made statements that could be construed as an apology for the accident or acceptance of liability. If you've made statements that could jeopardize your insurance claim, you need to hire an attorney as soon as possible.

Your Initial Claim Has Been Denied

If you've received notification that your initial insurance claim has been denied, talk to an attorney. Insurance companies will use a number of tactics to avoid liability for accidents, especially if there's significant damages or injuries involved.

Just because your initial claim has been denied, doesn't mean that you're not eligible for compensation. It does, however, mean that you need an attorney to help you through the appeals process.

Your Accident Involved Multiple Cars

If your accident involved multiple cars, you need an accident attorney on your side. This is particularly true if the initial accident caused you to strike another vehicle or multiple cars struck you.

Multiple cars can be difficult to sort out, especially when there are multiple points of impact. If you're being sued by other drivers for your part in the multi-car accident, you need an attorney to help sort out the facts regarding the case.

You're Being Given the Run-Around

If you're being given the run-around by insurance companies or attorneys representing other drivers involved in the accident, hire an attorney as soon as possible. Insurance companies don't like to lose money and will often drag their feet to avoid any type of payout.

Not only that, if the other driver has legal representation, they have the upper hand in the negotiations. If you've been in a car accident, and you're not getting a straight answer from the insurance company, contact a car accident attorney.


1 April 2019

Learning About Accident Attorney Services

Hello, my name is Matthew. Welcome to my site. I am here to talk to you about accident and personal injury attorneys. When I was involved in a serious accident, I had to recover for months in the hospital. My finances suffered due to mounting medical bills and lost wages. I dealt with considerable pain through every phase of the healing process. I worked with an accident and personal injury attorney to obtain compensation for the repercussions of the accident. I created this site to help others find an attorney to work with so they too could acquire compensation following an accident.