Answering 4 FAQs About Auto Accident Personal Injury Claims


Auto accidents are notorious for their potential to cause injury, especially injuries of the spine and neck. Small fender benders often cause more harm than one would expect from the outward appearance of the accident.

Even minor auto accident injuries can lead to serious consequences, such as lost time at work. This guide will answer four frequently asked questions about personal injury claims after an auto accident.

1. Are Your Injuries Severe Enough for a Claim?

The first thing you'll probably want to know is whether your injuries are severe enough to warrant a personal injury claim. The fact is, there is no one right or wrong answer for every case. The true extent of your losses and suffering after an accident can be difficult for others to see and often requires supporting evidence.

Injuries after an auto accident can vary widely in severity, from cuts and bruises to broken bones. Even minor auto accident injuries can lead to serious consequences, such as lost time at work. This is without mentioning the mental and emotional trauma that may result from an accident.

A personal injury attorney can help you collect the documentation you need to prove you have suffered losses as a direct result of the accident. Examples include medical records and correspondence with your employer.

2. How Long Do You Have to File Your Claim After an Accident?

Jurisdictions use statutes of limitations to ensure that claimants file lawsuits within a reasonable time after an incident. Determining how long you have to file a personal injury claim after a car accident can be tricky because not every state has the same statute of limitations for traffic accidents.

When you have decided that a personal injury claim is the right course of action, you will need to research the statute of limitations for your state. Many personal injury attorneys offer a free initial consultation, and they can give you more specific details about the time frame of your case.

3. Should You Take Calls From the Insurance Adjuster?

After a car accident, you will likely be contacted by an insurance adjuster representing the other party who was involved in the accident. It's important to remember that the insurance adjuster is employed by the other driver's insurance company; their goal will be to save money for the insurer by reducing their payout.

On the other hand, your own insurance company and your personal injury attorney will be working on your behalf to get you compensation for your injuries. When you are contacted by an insurance adjuster, always refer them directly to your lawyer or insurer to avoid providing information that could harm your case.

4. Is Your Case Likely to Go to Trial?

While many people imagine going straight to court for a lawsuit after a car accident, that's not likely to happen. Usually, your case will be settled without a trial, and your attorney will do everything in their power to ensure this. In most cases, all parties involved agree that a court trial is not worth the time and expense to undertake.

Since most auto accident claims are settled without trial, the experience of a personal injury attorney can be crucial for your case. Your attorney will be able to negotiate with insurance adjusters and ensure that you don't miss out on the compensation you are owed.

The complexities of personal injury law lead to no shortage of questions from those who are involved in accidents on the road. Fortunately, you don't have to face this stressful situation alone. A qualified personal injury attorney with experience helping drivers after auto accidents could be the most important resource to help you win your case.


13 December 2021

Learning About Accident Attorney Services

Hello, my name is Matthew. Welcome to my site. I am here to talk to you about accident and personal injury attorneys. When I was involved in a serious accident, I had to recover for months in the hospital. My finances suffered due to mounting medical bills and lost wages. I dealt with considerable pain through every phase of the healing process. I worked with an accident and personal injury attorney to obtain compensation for the repercussions of the accident. I created this site to help others find an attorney to work with so they too could acquire compensation following an accident.