Things You Should Do During The First Few Months After Your Car Accident


When a person causes a car accident to occur that leaves you with injuries, you have rights to seek compensation for these injuries, and there are several ways to do this. You do not have to pursue compensation right away, though. In fact, you probably have two years, from the date of the accident, to do this; however, there are certain things you should do during the first few months after the accident occurs.

5 July 2018

Outfit Your Swimming Pool In This Manner To Avoid Personal Injury Suits


Having a swimming pool is all about creating good summer memories with your family and friends, but you also need to be aware that the presence of the pool puts you at risk of a personal injury suit. People can get hurt in a variety of ways in and around the pool, and you could be held financially liable by a court of law — unless your attorney can show that you've taken a variety of steps to make this part of your property as safe as possible.

1 May 2018

Business Transaction Law And Your Small Business


If you have a small but growing business, the legal aspects of running it can gradually become more complicated. As your business grows, there are a lot of legal situations that you may find yourself in where you may find that you need a lawyer that specializes in business transaction law. The laws around business transactions can vary from state to state and you want to ensure that your business interests are protected.

11 April 2018

Five Terms To Know When Looking For A Personal Injury Attorney


If you have suffered an injury that you believe is the fault of someone else, you may want to consider filing a personal injury lawsuit against the person who you believe responsible. If you've never done this before, you may be a bit perplexed as you begin researching lawyers, lawsuits, and the personal injury process. A lot of this confusion comes from industry-specific language that is not always intuitive to someone on the outside.

17 March 2018

3 Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Personal Injury Laywer


Have you recently been injured in an accident? Are you looking for a lawyer who can help you get compensation for your injuries? As you've likely found out already, receiving compensation is not always an easy task. The insurance company that you're trying to collect from may give you a variety of answers and excuses instead of fully compensating you for injuries. Hiring a lawyer is the best way to make sure that you're able to get what you're entitled to receive.

2 February 2018

Five Reasons You Have A Right To Persue A Wrongful Death Claim After Halloween


Halloween is one time of year when, unfortunately many accidents happen that could result in a death, especially of young children. Here are five situations in which you will have the right to pursue a wrongful death claim: Negligent Driver Killed Pedestrian: Whether it was your child who was hit by a negligent driver or another adult family member, you have a right to pursue a wrongful death claim against that driver.

30 December 2017

Tips For Helping You Decide If You Should Hire A Wrongful Death Attorney


It can be hard to deal with the aftermath that comes from losing a loved one in an accident that should have never occurred. When the loss of your loved one could have been prevented if a company or individual would have not seen so negligent, it can be hard to find out how to get through the grief. While a law suit will not help make the pain go away, it can help in other ways.

7 December 2017

Exposing Some Common Worker Compensation Myths


Workplace accidents that result in serious injuries can be a common aspect of modern life. For those that have the misfortune of falling victim to one of these accidents, the process of filing for worker's compensation can be essential for obtaining medical care and financial support. Here are some debunked myths about worker's compensation that will help you better understand how to file properly. Myth: You Will Have A Payroll Deduction If You Are Covered By Worker's Compensation

14 November 2017

How To Handle Pressure From Other Drivers In An Accident


If you've been in a car accident that was not your fault, you've got an immediate hurdle to overcome: the attitude of the other driver involved. It's unfortunate, but sometimes the at-fault driver will try to make the accident look like it's at least partly your fault, often in a really passive-aggressive manner that you might not spot while you're trying to get your bearings. It's vital that you recognize what the at-fault driver might be doing, and that you control your responses.

12 October 2017

Should You Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer If You Have Been Hurt At Work?


If you have been injured while at work, you may be wondering about hiring a personal injury attorney. It is important that you meet with an experienced attorney to discuss what, if anything, needs to be done. You may find that the insurance company is handling everything the way they should. However, it is also possible that something is not right. A good law firm will help you understand what you should do and be your legal representation, should you need it.

22 September 2017