
Rear-End Collisions & Filing A Lawsuit


Driving in a defensive manner is one of the best ways to decrease the risk of getting into a collision with other vehicles. However, you don't necessarily have to actually be driving to end up involved in an accident. For example, your vehicle can be stopped at a street sign or light and get hit by another driver who isn't paying attention to the road. If you have injuries that occurred due to another driver colliding with your vehicle from behind when you were stopped at a street sign or light, taking steps towards winning a lawsuit is something that you mind find interesting.

13 November 2019

How To Make Sure You Are Covered After A Motorcycle Accident


Being injured in a car accident is one thing, but being injured in a motorcycle accident is something entirely different. When you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you don't have the metal around you that you would in a car, which means that you are more likely to get severely injured and get road rash injuries. Because you can get severely injured, you want to make sure that you are covered in every way possible, but how?

30 August 2019

Piecing Together Your Car Accident Case When You Were Unconscious


When you have been unconscious for several days after a car accident, it can be difficult to piece together just what happened to you. Pursuing a lawsuit can be even more difficult when you cannot remember much of the accident yourself. If you hire a car accident attorney, he or she can help find the pieces to put together to tell the story of your accident and get your compensation. Here is how he or she might go about that.

5 July 2019

Hit In The Crosswalk: What Are Your Rights?


The crosswalk is meant to be a place where you can safely cross the road without worrying that a driver will slam into you. You should be able to trust the "walk" and "do not walk" signals to guide you across to safety. So when you are hit by a car when crossing in the cross-walk, it's normal to feel like you were misled and wronged. Here is a look at what your rights are in this situation, and how you might go about ensuring that the driver who hit you is held liable for what they did.

6 May 2019

Involved In A Car Accident? 4 Situations That Will Require An Accident Attorney


Car accidents are stressful enough without worrying about compensation for damages or care for your injuries. If you've been involved in a car accident, one of the first things you should do is hire an attorney. Without an attorney, problems can arise regarding the handling of your insurance claim. If you're dealing with any of the situations described below, you need to hire a car accident attorney right away. You've Made a Detrimental Statement

1 April 2019

Were You Injured While Traveling Or Doing A Excursion Or Activity? What To Know


When you are on vacation, you expect to do things that are fun and you hope to enjoy yourself and be safe. If you were traveling and something went terribly wrong and someone's poor business practice or negligence left you injured, you want to speak with a lawyer right away. You want to know that even if you are badly injured, someone can start working on your case and someone can get you compensation for the negligence that put you in the condition you are currently in.

12 February 2019

How Duty of Care Applies to Car Accident Cases


The duty of care is a concept in civil tort law that requires that all individuals and organizations take a reasonable level of care to ensure that someone else doesn't get hurt. Given the incredible range of complexities of driving a vehicle, it's not surprising that the duty of care is an issue that underpins most arguments that auto accident attorneys make. These three examples will give you a better sense of how the duty of care might apply in your case.

8 November 2018

5 Reasons To Hire A Car Accident Attorney


No matter what type of car accident you're involved in, it can be a stressful experience for all. Unfortunately, car accidents are quite common and a part of life. If you ever find yourself involved in a serious accident involving a vehicle, it's important that you hire proper legal representation so that you get the best possible outcome. Keep reading to better understand why you need to hire a car accident attorney: 

8 October 2018

Rear-Ended, But Still Found Partially At Fault? Here's What Happened


If you're ever involved in an auto accident where another driver rear-ends your vehicle, you'd expect that driver to be found at fault. While this happens most of the time, there are exceptions to the rule. In some cases, you could end up sharing some of the blame for the accident in question. Being deemed partially at fault for being rear-ended often comes as a shock to accident victims. The following explains just how you could be found at fault, why it happens, and what you can do to limit your liability and receive compensation for your injuries.

27 August 2018

Medical Conditions That Can Cause Car Accidents & How To Find Witnesses To Help Your Personal Injury Case


According to research, medical reasons are the cause of one in five car accidents. If you or a loved one was involved in a car accident that appeared to be caused by a motorist who had a medical condition that caused them to lose control of their vehicle, you may have a personal injury liability case to pursue. More importantly, a claim or lawsuit against the driver will help to get them off of the roadways so they will not cause another car accident in the future due to their medical condition.

26 July 2018